Rural Connections

Client's Situation
The United Way of Tulare County, via a grant from The James Irvine Foundation, developed an assesment-based non-profit capacity-building model. In a series of tests with selected non-profit organizations in the Central California communities served by the UWTC their capacity-building model generated meaningful and continuous organizational development results. However, expanding this UWTC program beyond the testing level proved more difficult.

Hensley Supported Solution
1. First, we redefined capacity-building for UWTC from a traditional series of workshops or teaching transactions into a continuous, customizable mentoring process.
2. Next, we recast a series of UWTC-developed analytical tools and evaluation programs into a comprehensive capacity-building process that enables participants to understand where they are starting, set individualized goals appropriate to their mission, align the mentoring process with their needs and self-monitor their organizational development.
3. Then, we created a brand, Rural Connections, for this UWTC-based non-profit mentoring and consulting program that focuses on benefits to organizations dealing with the special circumstances that this UWTC capacity-building program specifically addresses.
4. Finally, we are working with UWTC to market the mentoring process/and outcomes-based nature of Rural Connections capacity-building to foundations and other stakeholders in the non-profit sector.

• Professional materials and processes now sought by other organizations
• Capacity-building alliances with both for-profit and non-profit organizations in other geographic areas and with other business specialties serving non-profit and community- based organizations.